Cobratex generates the buzz in “Demain l’éco”, a France Culture radio programm
As the days go by, Cobratex keeps on moving. We are increasingly approached by important media, impressed by the know-how of our company and its history. Cobratex’s human adventure continues to be noticed, the technical and economic results are there, they are the fruit of important collaborative projects. The industrial sector is listening, whether it is the railway, marine, aerospace, automotive, etc., the demand for bio-based solutions is growing day by day…
Cobratex’s strength lies in its ability to adapt to all sectors of activity. Not a week goes by without us being invited to develop new innovative and above all sustainable products. Cobratex also assists industrial companies that do not have the expertise in composite materials to research and develop composite solutions with bamboo. Several product prototypes have already been developed into finished products on their way to industrialization. To make this possible, Cobratex is supported by weavers, pre-impregnators and other industrial players in the composite materials market. The commitment of everyone and our complementarity have really boosted the industry, the green revolution is growing a little more every day.
For us, the integration of environmental values in all industrial sectors is essential. All Life Cycle Assessment studies are unanimous: the environmental impact of our bio-based reinforcements is remarkable. To consolidate all the work we have done so far, we have received prestigious awards from major players in the various bio-based and composite materials sectors. Cobratex is now recognised in its field as essential for its unique processes and know-how.
The French and European bamboo industry has been in the spotlight for some time. A growing number of players and farmers are increasingly mobilising to structure this sector wisely. This effervescence is very positive for the industry and especially for the environment, it is the evidence of a will to produce differently without forgetting profit that industry can generate. Bamboo is a natural resource which, in addition to its transformation into composites, is good for the environment thanks to its multiple properties, which have been widely discussed in one of our previous articles (see Bamboo used for our planet and humanity) (see Bamboo used for our planet and humanity).
Currently, Cobratex is producing continuously, this activity is essential to have significant feedback to strategically develop our industrialization phase. In order to enhance this step, many activities and developments are underway to meet a maximum of industrial needs honoured by the industrialisation of our reinforcements. Within this quality framework, we invite all those interested in our activity to contact us, there are still a few places of choice in this human adventure.
Please listen to the France Culture podcast “Demain l’éco”, the Cobratex team wishes you a pleasant moment (source : France Culture page).
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