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Kitesurf with Cobratex

This is a unique kitesurf developed by Chris Midelton from Wooden Stuff. It takes advantage of all Cobratex’ reinforcement properties and has a parabolic design that guarantees extraordinary riding sensations. Chris who has extensive experience has already proven his talent on many occasions. His experience in 3D design at the “Beaux Arts” in Paris, in particular, was a great success.

He was given many awards, such as the British design Award in 1987, the iF Design Award in 1988 or the Design Plus Award in Germany in 1989. With over 35 years’ experience in water-sports, he used his passion to make unique kitesurfs. It was with great pleasure and a real honour for us to collaborate with Wooden Stuff in the design of his new parabolic kitesurf that used our products.

This kitesurf is made on demand. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you require more information about this product.

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